“Be the
CHANGE you want to see in the world”-Mahatma Ghandi
Base from what Mahatma Ghandi said, if
we want to change something, we should be the one to the first move. We should
be the one to lead and finish what our goal is.
There are so many problems that we can
observe around us. Like the pollutions, corruption, poverty and many more. And
many people are asking “when will there be a change --an improvement?” Improvement
will only take place when the people starts the change within their selves. And
improving our self- discipline will also be the key for us to be better in
everything we do. And for us to achieve the changes that we want to.
We should not depend the changes that we want
to see to the other people. Instead, change should always start within ourselves.
For we are the one who knows the changes and improvement that we want to change
in our lives.